Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 19, Day 2: Major Milestone

I weighed in yesterday and was gratified to discover that I have now lost 50 pounds.

Onward and downward!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 18, Day 3/4: a slowdown

Friday's weigh-in was disappointing: one pound total weight loss for two weeks. Given that I didn't weigh, measure, or record anything, enjoyed several glasses of wine, martinis, and manhattans, and had at least two spectacular lapses, that's not surprising. So the food diary came out again. On the other hand.....

I may have only lost a pound in the past two weeks, but it appears I have also lost an inch. Yippee!

This morning's measurements: 44 / 34 / 48

Yesterday Mr. Southphl and I biked 23 miles, much of it hilly. Today I biked 12 miles by my lonesome, and also did 75 wall pushups and plan to do some other arm exercises this evening.

Last night's dinner was a baked chicken, carrots/onion for my starch, and a whole lot of broccoli. Oh, and the biggest peach I've ever seen, sliced and served over plain yogurt.

For the last couple of weigh-ins I've gone on Fridays. If I don't see some weight loss this Friday, I will try to shift back to Saturday. I may need the extra support of the meetings.